CarSharing Conference - Paris 2018
Posted on 09/18/2018
The CarSHaring Association is presenting their annual conference in Paris this year on October 17-18, 2018. Please see this link for an informative program, and wealth of industry and research topics:
10 Best Car Sharing Services - reprinted from The Clean Fleet Report
Posted on 08/20/2018
This is an interesting list. I am not sure why Uber is listed as one of the 10 best but the others are legit entries. We will blog more from this website and their extensive view on clean fleet autos. Again, clean and green is good but insuring yourself correctly should not "take a back seat" no pun intended to the environmental benefits. Your wallet will take a hit more then the MPG's of the whole equation. See this link:
NAIC Hosts Webinar
Posted on 07/29/2018
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) hosted a webinar on July 23rd focused on the Insurance issues and problems arising out of the Peer-to-Peer CarSharing model. The 90 minute session touched on many of the points CarShare Protect are focused on as well…namely, making sure the consumer has the right information while they decide how to best use the carsharing model of mobility. Check out their website if you can.
Car Sharing Research
Posted on 07/23/2018
Check out the University of Cal Berkeley’s Transportation Sustainability Research Center for interesting in depth research and information on the future of mobility and sustainable transportation. Check it our here:
Wired Avis Article
Posted on 07/05/2018
Check out how a major car rental firm is thinking about the mobility future and what steps they are taking to think about long term survival strategy…..go here:
Can you really be protected in 15 minutes?
Posted on 06/03/2018
I wish those advertisements would at least say ” 15 minutes and you might be able to scratch the surface…” If anyone thinks they can be covered correctly in 15 minutes time, I hope you are well versed on the exact coverage that you need to insure yourself correctly. Time after time we have seen clients coming over from other platforms that have no idea why they have the coverage they have…! Be careful. We can help.
Here to help you navigate car-sharing insurance!
Posted on 05/05/2018
HI! To all the confused consumers out there, we are starting this site to help:) If you have ever wondered where, why, and how do I make sure I am insured correctly if I want to join a car sharing service; we hope to make that effort easier! In the future you will see more posts and more info revolving around your questions. Just email us and we will try to make it happen.